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Sissola is a building monument related to the Kalevala poetry singing tradition, which has a central position in the landscape of Mekrijärvi village. The cultural-historical value of the site is based especially on its personal historical significance and Karelian cultural heritage. At the poet's home farm, they sang with a Kalevala stomp The village of Mekrijärvi and especially Sissola's construction group are related to the earliest Kalevala poetry collection trips and the stages of the most important poet-singer families in our country. At the beginning of the 19th century, the famous poet Simana Sissonen built a new log-built main building on his family farm in Mekrijärvi in ​​Ilomantsi, which was based on a traditional semi-detached house. At the beginning of the 20th century, the house was divided in two after the families who lived on the farm quarreled with each other. In this case, the chambers and the vestibule detached from the old house were moved to the eastern edge of the courtyard for the construction needs of the new house. In addition to these two pirits, a number of courtyard buildings and a well have been preserved in Pihapiiri. Sissola is the only group of buildings within the borders of our country related to the poetry singing tradition that has been preserved in its original location. Snowchange and Sissola to cooperate from 2023 In the summer of 2023, Snowchange and the Sissosten family signed an extensive cooperation agreement. Cooperative Snowchange supports the maintenance of Mekrijärvi's Sissola courtyard and buildings and thereby safeguards the preservation of cultural heritage for future generations. Sissola is the only poetry singer's yard in Finland that has been preserved in its original location. Simana Sissonen built Sissola's pirt in the early 1800s. He is considered one of the best poetry singers. Snowchange chairman Tero Mustonen says that the cooperation implemented in Sissola fits well into the core of the Koitajoki program, because Megrijärvi and its area is the core region of the river. Sissola's importance is paramount. Jaakko Hamunen, chairman of the Sissonen family association, praises Snowchange for promoting environmental issues and says that the agreement and the support that comes with it will be an invaluable help in preserving Sissola's courtyard area and building stock for future generations. Snowchange is a non-profit North Karelian cooperative that works to promote Koitajoki's cultural heritage and nature management. The purpose of the Sissosten Sukuseura ry is, among other things, to find out the phases and history of the family and to cherish the traditions of the Simana Sissonen family.

Original documentation notes by D. Europeus from Sissonen in 1800s